Wonder Woman in Business, Judy Lloyd

Susan Freeman interviewed Judy Lloyd for her podcast “Freeman Means Business”. We help women in business communicate effectively with the world — and men communicate effectively with women in business!”Freeman Means Business” podcasts serve to...

The “Sauce” Story

It was sometime during the 1960’s when I learned the greatest gift for any Italian cook: How to make the “sauce”. A traditional Italian “meat sauce” is not the same as a traditional Bolognese. The meat sauce is particular to each region in Italy and varies based on...

The day I first met President Bush 41

I first met President George H.W. Bush (“Bush 41”) at a fundraiser in Rome, New York. He was appearing on behalf of Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY). At age 23, I was making $13,000 a year as the receptionist to Congressman Boehlert, who represented my...